Реакции российских блоггеров на польскую трагедию

Russia: Reactions to the Polish Tragedy

April 10, 2010, the day that should have started a new era in the Russian-Polish relations, brought tragic news [EN] instead. Airplane with the highest Polish establishment on board crashed in the Smolensk forest. The reaction of the Russian blogosphere was divided as usual when it comes to the Russian-Polish relations.

The discussion went into several directions: 1) copy-pasting of the news, 2) figuring out whose fault it was, 3) messages of sorrow and solidarity with the Polish people, 4) conspiracy theories accusing Russian security services of causing the crash, 5) hate speech about Lech Kaczynski, the Polish President who died in the crash, and other politicians, and mystical justifications of the crash, 6) discussions on the future of the Russian-Polish relations, 7) comparison with previous deaths of Polish presidents connected with Russia (Bierut [EN] and Sikorski [EN]).

Как же было противно читать мракобесные, просто ненавистнические записи и комментарии. Сколько же агрессии надо иметь?

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