Конференция в Белграде

International Student Week in Belgrade 2007, June 28 — July 5, Belgrade, Serbia

Thesecond International Student Week in Belgrade, ISWiB 2007, will be heldfrom June 28 till July 5 in the capital of Serbia. Heading motto ofthis year’s meeting is «Update Local to Get Global». More than 130students and young people from all around Europe will gather in orderto take part in various interactive workshops and discussions, and alsoto hear interesting lectures on some of the current issues.

Applicationsstarted through the Internet and participants are offered to join oneof the following workshops: Society, Economics, Ecology, Culture &Arts, Media, Education, Psychology, Photo art, and Video Art. Workshopleaders will be postgraduate students, experienced trainers,international experts, and university professors.

Participation Fee is 50 euros for foreign participants and 25 euros for the participants from Serbia.

Application deadline is April 1, 2007.

The official language of ISWiB is English.


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