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http://www.mcwetboy.net/maproom/2006/12/electoral_geography.phtml и http://veryspatial.com/?p=1283 — прелестный отзыв

Как сказали на сайте «they seem to be following «beg, borrow, or steal” philosophy» :) Ну что поделать — приходится :)

Electoral Geography
10:07 PM | Electoral Maps

For an election map junkie like me, Electoral Geographyis a very, very dangerous and wonderful place. Where else can you find,under one roof, choropleth maps of the election results in Malta and Madagascar? Fantasic — I’m going to get so lost here. Via Very Spatial.


Или вот тут:
А veryspatial.com дали аж центральный материал на нас: http://veryspatial.com/ (прямая ссылка: http://veryspatial.com/?p=1283)

Our friend Dr. Ken Martis, who we interviewed back in November on episode 68, sent us this link to the new Electoral Geography websitethat has just launched. Alexander Kireev seems to be the mainperson/contact at the site. I haven’t had time to look at the site indepth, but what I have seen is pretty nice. There’s a LOT of good datathere for anyone doing anything with elections around the world. They seem to be following a “beg, borrow, or steal” philosophy as far as thedata (which I wholly support!), so you might have to do a little massaging to get into a form you can easily use for analysis. The sitewould be perfect for any comparative studies in the field. It also features an articles section and a forums for discussion. I hope both geographers and political scientists use the site to try to collaboratemore.

The site is still in beta and Alexander is encouraging people to send suggestions, so take a look and let them know what you think!

Ещё другие сайты о нас: http://www.hablandodesigs.com/index.php/2006/12/18/mapas-de-estadisticas-electorales/


La geografía de los procesos electorales es un tema apasionante que,sin embargo, no está siendo estudiada todo lo a fondo que pudierapensarse. Para toda persona interesada en el tema, existe un recursofundamental que cuenta con información de todo el mundo relacionada conelecciones y demás procesos electorales: (En beta actualmente, comocasi todo en la red).

Ещё какой-то отзыв на немецком:

ist eine relativ neue Site, die Daten und Informationen zu Wahlenweltweit sammelt und kartographisch darstellt. Das Archiv ist gutgefüllt, wobei die Site-Autoren im Moment wohl eher nach der Taktikvorgehen, das an Daten zu nehmen, was sie kriegen können. EineSystematik und Struktur sind jedenfalls noch nicht zu erkennen, außereiner Sortierung nach Ländern. Das Forum ist momentan auch noch relativleer. Kann aber alles noch kommen, die Website existiert schließlicherst seit Sommer 2006.

(кто-нибудь может перевести?)

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