Дезинформация в американских медиа: исследование

В закладки: Misinformation and the 2010 Election A Study of the US Electorate.

Основные выводы:

1. Perceptions of Misleading and False Information
An overwhelming majority of voters said that they encountered misleading or false information in the last election, with a majority saying that this occurred frequently and occurred more frequently than usual. Дезинформация на выборах в США — встречается часто.

2. Evidence of Misinformation Among Voters
The poll found strong evidence that voters were substantially misinformed on many of the issues prominent in the election campaign, including the stimulus legislation, the healthcare reform law,
TARP, the state of the economy, climate change, campaign contributions by the US Chamber of Commerce and President Obama’s birthplace. In particular, voters had perceptions about the expert opinion of economists and other scientists that were quite different from actual expert opinion. У избирателей было сильно искажено восприятие реальных экспертных заключений и ключевых фактов

3. Variations in Misinformation By Voting Behavior
There were significant differences between those who voted Democratic and Republican in the level of misinformation on various issues that were prominent in the campaign and that respondents said were important in shaping their votes. У каждой партии были свои дезинформации — Республиканцы по одному вопросу дезинформировали, Демократы — по другому.

4. Variations in Misinformation by Exposure to News Sources
Consumers of all sources of media evidenced substantial misinformation, suggesting that false or misleading information is widespread in the general information environment, just as voters say they perceive it to be. In most cases increasing exposure to news sources decreased misinformation; however, for some news sources on some issues, higher levels of exposure increased misinformation. В большинстве случаев (но не во всех), внимание к источнику позволяет снизить уровень дезинформации.

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